Guns and Gear

The Hot New Hammerless Pocket Revolver

Are you looking for a new pocket rocket? Perhaps a small, lightweight pistol for more concealability as summer draws nearer? In either case, don’t discount the value of a quality wheel gun. Kimber recently released a beautiful little snubby .38 SPL named the Kimber K6sx.

The Kimber K6sx

Speaking of Kimber, they aren’t usually the first or second name one thinks of when they think of revolvers. For those who may be new to the firearms community, Kimber is based out of Troy, AL. The company has been long known for its amazing 1911’s.

From professional marksmanship competitors to some of the world’s finest military special operators, most have had a Kimber Custom 1911 in their holsters at one time. Then Kimber branched out and began including striker-fired polymer-based pistols, hunting rifles, and, well, of course, some very fine revolvers.

Speaking of revolvers, I was able to get my hands on a neat little heater called the Kimber K6sx. It’s no secret I’ve always had a soft spot for wheel guns. After the Army and when I was a much, much younger rookie Deputy Sheriff, my first duty handgun they issued me was an old Smith & Wesson Model 66, chambered in .357 Magnum.

During my entire career in law enforcement, my favorite backup gun was my S&W 342PD chambered in .38 SPL. I carried it cross-draw under my uniform and on a cheap holster attached to my ballistic vest straps. (I had the top 4 buttons of my uniform shirt sewn on with Velcro so I could access my pistol in an emergency.)

The author has carried a snubby on duty for his entire career.

Hammerless Snubby

A hammerless snubby doesn’t have a slide to jam on anything. Likewise, it goes bang as long as it’s got bullets—provided you do your job (pulling the trigger). Granted, shooting that little S&W 342PD was akin to taking an aluminum baseball bat and hitting a 30’ metal flagpole on the coldest day of winter, repeatedly, like Babe Ruth. Your hands begin to hate you, and they start going numb after a few reloads.

The good news is the bad guy/gal/it/they/them won’t be happy about being shot with the power of a snubby. The other great news is Kimber designed an amazing little hammerless wheel gun that is still light. But it doesn’t buck like a pissed-off bronco just out of the gate.

Kimber designed the K6xs to be a lightweight revolver, coming at just under a pound—at 15.9 ounces. That is incredibly light for a revolver. But yet, it handles so nicely on the range.

The K6sx maintains all of the features from its slightly bigger brother, the Kimber K6s, chambered in .357 Magnum. The K6sx has a 2-inch stainless steel barrel (5R rifling), and the pistol itself has a glass bead finish. Additionally, the Hogue rubber Cobblestone grips make it a little easier to keep a premium grip on it while firing. It’s got an orange painted dot front sight (non-tritium).

The front sight is painted orange (non-illumination).

The K6sx In Hand

The trigger is between 10-12 lbs., which is perfect for this category of pistol. It’s honestly not as bad as the trigger weight sounds. When the fit hits the preverbal shan, you may not even remember pulling the trigger the first time. Let alone the “clicking” noise as the hammer repeatedly falls on a freshly fired, empty cylinder.

Most other revolvers in this category only offer a 5-shot capacity. Kimber nailed it with the K6sx, as it’s a 6-shot capacity! It’s offered specifically for deep concealed carry and chambered in .38SPL +P loads. All wrapped into an aluminum alloy frame weighing under a pound.

After a good range session, you won’t feel like it’s grade school again and you’re getting whacked over the hand by a ruler or yardstick by an angry “authoritative figure.” (Those older shooters out there will get that last reference)

The Kimber K6sx comfortably shoots .38 Special +P ammunition.

Some might argue for the slightly larger model, such as the K6s chambered in .357 Magnum. That will be a personal preference, as one simply cannot argue with the persuasive power of a barking .357 Mag.

However, if you are truly going for concealability, a .38 SPL loaded with some HOT +P ammo and launched from a 2-inch barrel is sure to leave a permanent impression on whoever is on the receiving end.

That’s another reason why I’ve always encouraged women who carry purses to carry a hammerless .38 SPL or .357 Mag. in their purses as a defensive pistol. They can empty the entire gun without ever removing it from their purses.

There was even one purse company out there that offered a free replacement if a woman blew hers apart while sending her attacker on to the next life.

Shooting the K6sx

Range time with this little pocket rocket was a blast, pun intended. It doesn’t hurt your hand like other little snubbies when you blow through a cylinder of ammo. For my tests, I chose 21 feet as a distance to check accuracy. I honestly don’t want to try taking a well-aimed shot at much greater distances out of a double-action-only 2-inch revolver.

I’d rather be a good witness or belly shoot the bad buy if given the chance. Nothing says “I’ve got your back” like a .38 SPL +P leaving a gaping exit wound where the spine used to be. Plus, the whole 21-foot rule principle.

The author shooting the Kimber K6sx.

With the orange-painted front sight (non-illumination), it was easy enough during the day to take an aimed shot. Out of all of the ammo tested, the Winchester PDX1 Defender took the prize with a .7-inch grouping.

Not all that easy coming from a little 2-inch snubby with a DAO trigger. However, I’ve been carrying a similar but more punishing version most of my adult life as a backup on-duty or off-duty carry in the warmer months. One gets to know the sweet spots of these things after some time.

Parting Shots

I like how the cylinder release button is enlarged, made rectangular, and has checkering on it. The grip is comfortable but not too big. Everything about the Kimber K6sx tells me that it’s a great gun!

Whether it’s in your pocket or a woman’s purse, this little beast will bring the heat for sure. And with no external hammer, you can empty the cylinder from inside a pocket or purse/handbag with much less worry of a jam.

If you’re looking for a snubby 6 shooter, you would do well to consider a Kimber K6sx. Buy this one with confidence!

For more information, please visit

The revolver has a 6-round capacity.

Kimber K6sx Specs

Caliber .38 Spl.
Handgun Capacity 6
Trigger Weight 10-12 lbs (approx.) DAO
Sights: Fixed Rear, Front Orange Dot
Barrel Glass Bead finish on Stainless Steel with 5R twist
Barrel Length 2 inches
Weight 15.9 ounces (empty)
Overall Length 6.8 inches
Height 5.5 inches
Safety Internal
MSRP $679.00


Winchester PDX1 Defender 130gr. Bonded JHP +P     .7 inches
Federal Punch 120gr. JHP +P .9 inches
Remington UMC 130gr. FMJ 1 inch
HSM 158gr. JHP-UHP 1.1 inches

Bullet weight measured in grain, accuracy in inches for best five-shot groupings at 21 feet (Defensive), standing, semi-supported. Ambient Temp was 52 degrees F.

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