I Carry: Ruger SP101 Revolver in a Galco Holster

Firearm: Lipsey’s Exclusive Ruger SP101 Revolver in .327 Fed. Mag. (MSRP: $919)
We’ve opted for Ruger’s SP101 revolver chambered in .327 Federal Magnum for today’s kit for a number of reasons. First, the chambering allows for an extra round over the .357 Magnum/.38 Special round in which the SP101 is traditionally offered. With the .327 Fed. at a power level somewhere between .38 Special +P and .357 Mag., it’s basically a free extra round—there’s no tradeoff in power. Second, the extra heft of the all-steel SP101 means a less painful shooting experience. And, lastly, the Lipsey’s exclusive blued steel and wooden grips just looks nice.
The SP101 is on the heavier side for a small revolver, weighing in at 27 ounces. This particular model has a 3-inch barrel, an overall length of 8 inches and a height of slightly more than 4½ inches. This three-inch-barreled revolver is most likely going to be carried on a belt, so the extra weight isn’t as significant as it would be on a smaller revolver that might see pocket or ankle duty, and it translates into less felt recoil, as well. Sights are upgraded on the Lipsey’s model, too; the rear is adjustable, while the front is a gold bead.
Speaking of felt recoil, that’s one of this revolver’s greatest strengths: the .327 Federal Magnum chambering. Our Ammo editor Richard Mann is an unabashed fan of this cartridge, and with good reason: it puts out power somewhere between .38 Special +P and .357 Magnum, but in an overall size that allows an extra round. You also have the choice of .32 H&R Magnum or .32 S&W should you want something with less recoil for practice. With more and more ammunition companies providing excellent options for the .327 Federal Magnum, and with more revolvers like the Ruger SP101 chambered in it, it’s certainly within mainstream parameters.
Yes, there’s a certain throwback quality to the Lipsey’s SP101. Blued steel and wooden grips in a handgun with a revolving cylinder rather than a magazine may not be for everyone, but for those who choose revolvers, this is a superlative option. Six rounds of effective magnum power, with the ability to shoot less powerful choices for plinking or practice, gives the SP101 in 327 Federal Magnum a decided advantage. And, don’t we want all the advantage we can get?
Holster: Galco Combat Master (MSRP: $132)
One of the advantages to a small-frame revolver like the Ruger SP101 is the ease with which it can be covered. Even using an outside-the-waistband holster, like the Galco Combat Master we have today, it’s easy to conceal, needing only a slightly oversize shirt or vest to cover the rig completely. As a general rule, once the barrel is much more than the 3-inch version we have today, longer cover garments will be needed, or simply carry inside the waistband.
With premium steerhide and double-stitched seams, the Combat Master offers a hand-molded fit for the specific firearm. A slightly forward cant presents the butt of the firearm to facilitate a faster draw, assisted by the open-mouth design. Traditional pancake-style design spreads the weight of the firearm over a larger section of belt, and the Combat Master is available for left- or right-hand shooters in black or tan finish.
Accessory: CRKT Walker Blade Lock (MSRP: $94)
Rounding out today’s kit is the Columbia River Knife & Tool Walker Blade Lock pocketknife. With a 2.9-inch, 14C28N-steel blade with a satin finish, the intriguing part of the Walker Blade Lock is the manner in which the blade is deployed and closed. A spring-loaded tab behind the thumbstud releases the blade to open and close. The sequence takes a little practice, but is easy to master, and once you’ve got it down, opening and closing the Walker Blade Lock with one hand is super easy.
G10 scales adorn the stainless steel handle, with a sturdy low-profile pocket clip that rides low in the pocket for best concealment. Both the handle and the blade are contoured to fit the user’s hand, allowing a comfortable hold. The sheepsfoot profile on the blade is designed for the types of cutting tasks for which we typically use pocketknives: opening boxes, envelopes, plastic packaging and such. It can, of course, be used for tactical endeavors as well.