
Wyoming Eliminates Gun-Free Zones as New Law Takes Effect

While legislators in many states continue to introduce measures that will further infringe on the rights of their citizenry, other states, like Wyoming, continue to move more to the freedom end of the scale.

Already one of the freest states concerning Second Amendment rights, Equality State lawmakers have now effectively done away with so-called “gun-free zones” in the state. As TTAG readers are well aware, laws banning guns in certain areas are only followed by law-abiding citizens, not violent criminals, so a better term would be “self-defense-free zones.”

Like many states, Wyoming law stipulates that once the legislature passes a bill, the governor can either veto the bill, sign the bill into law or let it become law without his signature. On Thursday, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon allowed the gun-free zone bill to become law without his signature.

In a harsh letter concerning the bill, Gov. Gordon attacked proponents of the bill for not seeing things his way.

“You will remember, I vetoed a remarkably similar bill at the end of the 2024 Budget Session, House Enrolled Act No. 49/House Bill 0125 Repeal gun-free zones and preemption amendments,” he wrote. “In my veto message, I noted my major concerns with the disregard shown to local jurisdictions and the infringement of our state Constitution’s intrinsic separation of powers. Importantly, my message also included a call to action for school districts and colleges around the state to review their gun-free zone policies while my administration pursued reviewing the State’s. Reflecting this legislature’s lackadaisical effort to openly debate and work on this legislation before sending it to my desk, it is tempting to copy and return my same veto letter.”

In the end, after nearly two pages of lamenting the measure, Gov. Gordon concluded: “After careful consideration and with regrets that the legislature stepped over a better path, I let this bill pass into law with this letter without my signature.”

Rather than feed Gov. Gordon’s temper tantrums, proponents of the bill indicated they were just pleased to see it become law and end gun-free zones.

Aaron Dorr, Wyoming state director for Wyoming Gun Owners, told Cowboy State Daily that the bill was in defense of freedom.

“All levels of government exist to defend freedom and HB 172 does exactly that,” Dorr said. “It gives Wyomingites a chance to defend themselves in what used to be deadly gun-free zones. We’re overjoyed to see this come to a conclusion tonight.

“We applaud Gov. Gordon for not vetoing this bill. I want to thank Senate President Bo Biteman who began this fight way back in 2017 and want to thank Rep. Haroldson for bringing this fight home.”

However, according to Cowboy State Daily, Republican state Rep. Jeremy Haroldson, who sponsored the legislation last year and again this year, wasn’t as willing to give the governor a free pass on his tirade.

“The governor is entitled to his opinion, but I’m grieved to see his blatant disrespect for the legislative branch, and ultimately what I feel is the heart of the people,” Rep. Haroldson said.

Read the full article here

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