
Legal Scholar Suggests Scheme To Put Obama Back In White House

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We discussed recently the possibility of President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race and being replaced by any of a number of gun-ban advocates including Vice President Kamala Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

A recent story published in the Washington Examiner has raised an even more concerning possibility—replacing Kamala Harris on the vice presidential ticket with former divider in chief Barack Obama, paving the way for him to be president should Biden be elected and step down.

According to the report, legal scholar John Banzhaf, a George Washington University Law School professor, has called the scheme “Plan C,” which would make President Biden’s reelection more likely.

“A Biden-Obama ticket would have a much better chance of beating Trump,” Banzhaf wrote. “Barack Obama is probably one of the few persons whom a majority of Americans would want and trust as president, so Plan C might be the least objectionable of a number of very unpopular and dubious options now open to Biden and the Democratic Party.”

While many might object to the scheme citing the two-term limit for the country’s highest office, Banzhaf said that isn’t exactly the case. The amendment limiting presidential terms says: “No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice, and no person who has held the office of the president, or acted as president, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of the president more than once.”

“While this amendment may bar Obama from ‘being elected’ to the office of president again, it obviously and by its clear language doesn’t prohibit him from being elected as vice president, and subsequently becoming president by succession without ever being elected to the office again,” Banzhaf said.

According to Banzhaf, Biden could even make it clear that he doesn’t intend to serve if he is reelected, in effect leaving Americans to vote for either former President Donald Trump or Obama.

“Rather than simply offering the public the opportunity to have a second-term Biden president supported and backstopped by a very popular and clearly very capable former president Obama, and having someone with experience and a proven record as commander in chief should Biden not be able to continue to serve at any time during a second four-year term, Biden might even consider announcing before the election that, if elected president, he would resign shortly after his inauguration so that Obama can then become president,” Banzhaf wrote.

As most TTAG readers likely remember, along with being one of the most divisive presidents in our country’s history, Obama was also a devout gun-ban advocate who never saw a restrictive gun law he didn’t like. Many observers think he’s been pulling the strings of the Biden puppet show for the last four years, anyway, and it would be a disaster having him once again openly running our country.

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