Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic

If the bird flu becomes the next plandemic, the ruling class is already prepared to mass inject the slaves with millions of mRNA “vaccines.” The United States rulers have partnered with Big Pharma’s Moderna to create injections once the bird flu is transmittable amongst humans.
In a sprawling factory, workers at CSL Seqirus are bottling millions of doses of a new vaccine targeting the H5N1 bird flu virus. The avian influenza virus, which first emerged in wild birds around 1997, has been spreading this year among dairy and poultry farms across the United States. A few human beings are said to have been infected as well, although the mainstream media continues to report that the risk to humanity is “low.”
U.S. Ruling Class Is Close To A “Deal” To Fund Moderna’s Bird Flu “Vaccine” Trial
According to a report by USA Today, thirteen farmworkers have been infected with the virus this year, some suffering eye redness, others a cough. No one became sick enough to require hospitalization, although, in other countries, about half of the people diagnosed with H5N1 over the years have died.
As of right now, the virus is not being passed from person to person and that is allegedly why public health officials aren’t hitting the panic button. Because the risk to the general public remains low, the federal government doesn’t think it’s worth vaccinating anyone against H5N1 yet even the farmworkers most at risk for getting sick from infected chickens or cows.
Colorado Demands Dairies Test Milk Samples For Bird Flu As Mammal Spread Increases
4.8 million doses of a potential vaccine are already sitting in an undisclosed Seqirus distribution center, ready for delivery if needed. Could it all be scripted? Is bird flu the next plandemic?
SCRIPTED: New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed & Stockpiled For Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Exist Yet
Robert Redfield says it’s a matter of when not if it becomes one.
Robert Redfield Says Bird Flu Pandemic WILL HAPPEN
“An exercise like this gives our partners a chance to exercise that muscle, to make sure that the manufacturing’s there,” Dawn O’Connell, assistant secretary for preparedness and response for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told USA TODAY during an exclusive tour of the vaccine factory in late July.
“You want to prepare for the worst case,” said Dr. Raj Panjabi, who oversaw pandemic preparedness at the White House from 2021 to 2023 as a special assistant to President Joe Biden. “This gets the engine moving.”